Note 22nd Jan 2014: I no longer have the time or enthusiasm for this book, so the project has been abandoned, sorry! The page is left here for archive purposes only.
One of my most popular blog posts has been the instructions on installing the PHP mcrypt extension on Mac OS X. I recall needing mcrypt for a phpMyAdmin installation, and thought the install instructions would be useful for others. It was: to date, the page has had 19,174 views!
The popularity of this post got me thinking — how exactly are people using Mac OS X for PHP development?
I’ve been using OS X for development for many years now, and I’ve built up a lot of knowledge about how to create an environment that’s a pleasure, rather than a chore, to use. A lot of this knowledge I am taking for granted, but I am sure it will be of use to others.
I’m putting this knowledge into my first e-book.
Here’s an example of what topics I’ll be covering:
Part I – Native
Where I look at options for working on smaller projects, or projects where your deployment environment is unknown.
- Configuring Apache
- Adding PHP modules
- Adding PECL modules
- Installing and running MySQL, PostGreSQL and MongoDB
- Installing and configuring phpMyAdmin
- Installing and configuring MAMP
Part II – Virtualization
For working with medium – large projects where your deployment environment is known.
- Installing Vagrant
- Setting up your first virtualized PHP environment
- Puppet provisioning
- Vital development tools
- Installing a test instance of Magento
- Create a WordPress plugin and theme development environment
- Create an environment for Zend Framework or CodeIgniter applications
Part III – Specific environments
If you are developing for a specific framework or tool, this chapter will help.
Are you interested in finding out more? If so, please add your e-mail address to the list and I’ll keep you updated on the progress of the e-book.
Also, if you have any subjects that you would covered, please add a comment to the page.